To those bitching about President Biden’s lack of mask, he is seated at least 6 feet away from the nearest person. I would also imagine temps were taken before entering the room. Stop complaining simply to be heard, quit knocking him about for his ag… See more. Tell Sleepy Joe to put his mask back on!. Trump 2024. Put your mask on Biden. Or did you forget that executive order you signed. Debbie Fletcher Amanda Gorman quotes full poem canvas Like · Reply · 1 d. I hope he could put a sentence together. Our weakling in charge to the rescue. Go get ’em wittle Joey, show ’em who BOSS … you’re the big boy now.. We already had excellent border security until you screwed it all up! Joe Biden is a PUPPET!. The masks are probably made in China. where is bidens mask???. Love seeing this! It’s all about coming together with different countries and respecting our cultures and way of life. Something the former president could never do. It’s so refreshing seeing Biden take on a much better role. Let’s unite and make A… See more
Amanda Gorman quotes full poem canvas
There’s nothing to talk about Biden!!! Trump had it set up just fine. Now your putting the illegals a head of the American people… man what a bad choice we made!!!. You know what would make the US- Mexico border more secure? A wall!. Celina Solis Amanda Gorman quotes full poem canvas Like · Reply · 2 d. Is America being punk’d? Seriously. This clown show is an embarrassment!. Did anyone in this thread even realize that almost everyone including Biden has had their second round of vaccination already? Not to mention everyone is wearing masks, and has probably been tested for Covid even before stepping foot in that room? Your… See more. I love it when the worse thing Trumpsters can find to gripe about Biden, is that he has his mask down!!. Did the Mexican president have to submit his questions before hand or did Obiden have his earpiece with someone telling him what to say. Pretty sure they gotta have someone in his ear keeping him awake.
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