Patsi ClowIt was a really bad day for the victims and their families146 . Krishan FotedarAs a leader you are expected to be able to handle these types of issues. He should have known better. Perhaps he can be demoted and someone else can do it better26 . Tom GonzalezThat social media post might explain the sheriff’s odd and curious eagerness to accept the murderer’s self-interested explanation at face value, before even delving into a full investigation like interviewing people who knew the murderer, scouring his … See more85 . Sendy Mpatço LaurentI was a bit shocked when he said the suspect “had a bad day”. Who else doesn’t have bad days? Having a bad day doesn’t make you a criminal, cruel enough to kill 8 people.If I was having a bad day and was having these kind of thoughts, I would call 911… See more72 . Paula Seay8 people killed and the best you can do is say the suspect had a bad day. What, bc he didn’t kill 10? Dude, turn in your badge.331 Amanda Gorman The hill we climb canvas
Amanda Gorman The hill we climb canvas
Because you can and will get fired for doing so. Even if you’re not actually saying anything impactful, all it takes is the wrong person to feel like you “got smart” with them. Go on, ask me how I know.. Another example of the internet knowing exactly what’s going on in my life at any given time . I haven’t had the chance to read this yet, but is one “because they’ll send someone from HR to gaslight you about it” in there?. Most women can’t speak up without risk. That’s just the way it is, even when the superiors are other women. One must be financially independent in order to feel secure to state their ideas.. True if you speak up speak out you are called trouble and it will reflect on the job. Yes you will be fired and not rehired on your case file. Fact. As a former teacher, I was bullied by the teachers unions for speaking my mind. They harassed me at work and my house. When the Janus decision came down, I tried to opt out of the union and they made it difficult to leave. The bullying didn’t stop the… See more Amanda Gorman The hill we climb canvas
Beautiful Amanda Gorman The hill we climb canvas
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