Thanks for the clarification on who is who in the photo. . You are loved and have done so much for the country – Mr. Prez. Have a Blessed Easter BC, HC, and your beautiful Family!. Our Dear President Clinton! We miss you so much ! We miss our dear First Lady Hillary as well ! So happy that First Lady Jill Biden and our now great President Biden is at the helm. Peace and Love !. Like people were gonna look at the picture and wonder “Gee, which one is Bill and which is the Bunny here ? “. That has got to be the least creepy easter bunny I have seen. They’re usually quite terrifying.. I have great memories of you and him when I lived in Arkansas. My husband and I would take our lunch break in the park by the river and he would be running and stop and talk to us. An old guitarist and the pick of his life live here custom name doormat
An old guitarist and the pick of his life live here custom name doormat
The greatest economy this country ever seen under Bill Clinton! Happy Easter!. I like the way she says “Bill (left)”!. It’s pretty funny how you pointed out which one is Bill . “Bill (left)”. (Left) Haha, that’s a subtle funny Easter egg that just made my day! Happy Easter to you and Bill , HRC!. Thank you for the clarification. Bill is on the left.. Bill Clinton, one of the best presidents U.S. ever had. Happy Easter to Bill and Hillary. Cheers. Love Hillary! It made me chuckle that she felt the need to point out which one was Bill and which one was the Easter Bunny. So glad you cleared up which one is Bill. I wasn’t sure for a minute!. LOL @ clarifying that Bill was the one on the left. (Left) is the third most adorable part of this.. Happy Easter First Lady Hilary..Love your magnanimity. You can always stay second fiddle to.your husband… Instead of brandishing your pic, it is he, Bill which you highlighted ….Enjoying the comments of you pointing out that Bill is on the left. … See more An old guitarist and the pick of his life live here custom name doormat
Trending An old guitarist and the pick of his life live here custom name doormat
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