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ANDIEZ Life is Better with Tea Cats and Yoga Poster
Now how did life originate? Where did it come from? Where does it go after death? When something dies, why can we not fix something and jump start the person like a car? What are the intrinsic properties of �life?� Are those properties something we can bottle and sell in the future? Science alone can not answer these questions, and I submit to you that science never will.”
It might surprise you to learn I can agree with that. I might suspect science can sort out how life originated, there’s an ongoing lab project along those lines right now at a major university. But assuming there is something to go somewhere after death, that’s the province of spirituality and faith. To the extent it shapes people’s behavior for the better in their living days, expectations about a judgement in the afterlife are a healthy thing.
Although there was a fascinating recent roleplaying game, Orpheus, that speculated what scientists might find if they could step across the shroud and how commercialized the whole thing became when they realized what they could do with projecting agents turned into temporary ghosts. It was set in, essentially, Limbo.
Which brings us to another problem with basing public policy on religion rather than rational discourse that, at its best, is based on scientific knowledge. The Pope just declared Limbo defunct. And that’s pretty much that. Now imagine if we actually had a raging debate in this country about whether Limbo existed. Imagine The Pope suddenly ruling that politicians that insist on Limbo’s existence be denied communion?
You can’t run a country like that.
COMMENT #277 [Permalink]… Autarkis said on 12/9/2005 @ 5:37 am PT…
Freedom Fan: I’m not much of a theologian but I suspect “coveting something for nothing” is envy. Greed is acting out of self-interest to acquire material goods without regard for the well-being of others. Keep in mind that for most of Christianity’s history, traders were seen as unscrupulous people making an illicit ducat off the backs of others. Christians were even forbidden moneylending which is why it fell to Jews and later, with dispensations, to The Templars during The Crusades. Now I’d argue that in the middle ages this was in no small part encouraged by the nobility who saw the rising fortunes of free guildsmen as a threat and employed The Church as allies.
Still, there’s not any natural, historical, affiliation between capitalism and Christianity until The Victorian Era where you start seeing the popularization of spreading of Christian morals and civilization, including the science of the times, to benighted savages in far off lands. Hot on the heels of those idealists, however misguided, and soon outstripping them were the colonial Companies that proceeded to exploit those very same natives.
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