Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

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It not so much about taxing the(which is and should always be the case)((church included)) as it is about capping the amounts they can write off. (Therefore controlling the sheltering). That shouldn’t be that hard to understand. It’s disappointing to know that they haven’t been, why have they not been in the tax bracket like everybody else. Please explain so the paying middle class and poor people can understand.. Crippling the economy to fatten the pockets of politicians is what the headline should read.. How can anyone not agree that everyone should pay a fair tax? When Trump slashed taxes for the rich in 2017, did prices go down? NO. Just think about that.. That’s how it should have been all along. The rich need to pay more, not the lower class. They need to pay more and actually pay up. No more tax evasion. I’m done.. So if they raise taxes on the wealthy will they lower taxes on middle class?? Probably not… so it really doesn’t help personal situation. Just gives the federal government more money to miss manage… Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

Product description: Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

Small business owners go through difficult times to pay their taxes, and some millionaire corporations paying a foolish amount, in taxes, not fare.. Barack Obama is worth how much Joe Biden lifelong politician worth how much Nancy pelosi worth how much. They are the people using the tax loopholes that they vote in to hold tight to their money and spend yours. People wake up and give up being woke. Yeah I do think 400k a year isn’t what it used to be. Yes it’s a good living but it’s definitely not “rich”. I think they should probably adjust that. Think about it, a car costs close to 50-90 grand for a good truck or SUV. Forget about it if you want electric! I definitely think we need to tax the rich, but do it in a way that they are NOT able to pass those costs down to the consumer. Cats In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Cloth Face Cover

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