How great to see your talented son Cruz…. Gosh looks like his mum, great tunes x. Well done Cruz that’s awesome your make a great pianist player . Did you see the orbs around him x x he has lots of spirits around him x x beautiful x x. Super great, praying for your dreams Cruz, one day your ssme with your Uncle Elton John his grest in music. All the best we love and support your loving family God bless you all.. Jean Tomkinson. Anna Chung. That was amazing! He’s got talent regardless of Uncle Elton . What a talented young man xx. Unreal my daughter learned to play the guitar in lockdown and is slowly building up her confidence. The absolute power in the performing arts! Can you tell I’m a music teacher. Amazing and talented. Doing well. Good performance Cruz.. Looks just like you, you must be very proud,talented x Dr. Miss ms mrs mug
Dr. Miss ms mrs mug
My late Dad was sent back from Burma he had Malaria really bad I sat with my Mammy when he had bad attack’s it was heartbreaking to watch.. I remember my stay in Papua New Guinea my countrybasedwork dying of Malaria and far away with family, I said I need to be back home, wanted to go home before I will die, but God works mysteriously I survived.. Most Hanxome player on the planet david you and ronaldo are my idol . We have the medicines to eradicate malaria! Pharmacy giants just want too much money for them and the counties that need them cant afford them.. It’s a good thought and I hope you will start the fight in Africa.. Please come to sudan Home of malaria. Looks a bit like Abraham Lincoln young brother.. David is a good point and together we can do it but those big medical companies will never except couse of their business off the malarian medicines business so it will be hard to challenge that is my small idea I may be wrong Dr. Miss ms mrs mug