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ANDIEZ Yoga The Soul of A Sagittarius The Fire of A Lioness The Heart of A Hippie The Mouth of A Sailor Poster
By the way, there is no solid matter, even in the nucleus of an atom. Like the “Miracle in the Water” (type in Google to see how a water molecule is transformed by love & prayer) — our thoughts have transformative power, so we should keep our thoughts on love, and pray for the people we most despise. That does them more good than bashing them. Let’s take the plank out of our own eye (and me too!) before taking other people’s rights away. The Christ Truth is in each of us: Love.
Love and Merry Christmas!
COMMENT #306 [Permalink]… Lydia Cornell said on 12/10/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT…
FF#312: You say this: “Obviously Christ talked about sin; it is one of the main themes of the Bible. How can one believe the Bible, yet maintain that there is really no such thing as absolute good and evil?”
But Christ said this: “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Christ talks about the sins of the Pharisees — the arrogant religious priests who made so many rules and judged others and were hypocrites. He talked mainly about loving your neighbor as yourself and loving your enemies. He talked of little else and hardly mentioned any other sins. (His words are in the Sermon on the Mount and in the parables.) You are referring to the Old Testament. Christ came with the New Law: he got mad at the people for judging the prostitute. To him, the true sinners were the hypocrital pharisees who constantly were looking at what other people were doing! “Leave judgment and vengeance to God.”
COMMENT #307 [Permalink]… Freedom Fan said on 12/10/2005 @ 2:03 pm PT…
Ms. Cornell forgive me if I misinterpreted your words. But when someone says something so outrageous like “killing someone doesn’t really matter because the soul lives on”, I sometimes fall back on satire because I feel foolish trying to argue with such statements. I think: Well maybe if I paraphrase the way this sounds to me the other person will realize how utterly wrongheaded it really is. Plus I try to have some fun in the process. As a comedienne, surely you recognize that an insult, tastefully delivered, is actually an art form. I view sparring in blogs as a sort of chess match. So I mean you no harm, but I am challenging you to think and be specific as far as what you truly believe.
I repeat: I am not pro-abortion. I could never have an abortion, especially now that I have children. But the alternative is more dangerous: illegal abortions or self-inflicted abortions, which are bound to occur when a woman is desperate.-Lydia Cornell
So you would concur that Christ considers abortion a sin, but society should allow abortions for practical reasons. Actually I conditionally may not have a problem with that answer. However, unlike Babs Boxer, Teddy Kennedy, and other uber Liberals, I do have a problem allowing doctors to kill babies in the course of third trimester deliveries (aka partial birth abortion). For example, I have friends, who as a couple, gave premature birth to fraternal twins–a little boy and a little girl–well before the third trimester. Today they are both in first grade.
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