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Amazon should have a unionized work force and should pay income tax. What about the boarders. We have children dying. You refuse to talk about it’. Is this even possible in EOE states like Texas that can fire a person without reason?. STAND UP for worker’s safety, this is America!!. Can someone explain to me why this is taking months??. Why doesn’t Bernie just lower our taxes?. How dare The Guardian support unionisation when it suits them but not when it doesn’t.. Jacqueline Guerrero Warning this property is proctected by highly trained chihuahua doormat “real shot in the arm”. The Guardian accepts millions from Bill Gates.. Union give you a better condition in working places. We don’t need higher taxes. We simply need socialism like in the USSR but reformed one, modern.. When will they find out?. This vote could prove to be as pivotal as the Flint Sit-down strike!. Unions raise consumer prices and cost jobs.. What you think about 2000 pct increase in border cages?

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When exactly is the driver holiday walk-out scheduled?. union is great idea but remember CEOs are cheap and willing to relocate. Oligarchs need to be removed from society..along with all of the bought politicians!. I really hope they win and I hope they unionize but either way I hope the minimum wage goes up. But that’s not the real problem, once that happens the price of the products and services will obviously go up to some degree and then the American consumers will just continue to buy things from countries like China that have workers working and living in near slavery conditions, with no regulations on pollution and work or conditions. The Americans and in particular the liberals love buying things from foreign countries and then enforcing crazy strict regulations on us that these foreign countries don’t need to follow. I’m so sick of getting in arguments with these bought out Amazon drones Warning this property is proctected by highly trained chihuahua doormat

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