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Amazing song I love that song. You are the best and l love this song. I have prayed for thi young man since my daughter dragged me to his first movie when she was eleven period She is now 21 and graduating from college period I am thrilled to see how God has matured this young man into a true professional and a man of faith. Melinda Chevalier Vintage retro safemoon cryptocurrency mug Why are you just so super amazing in every single way. Hannah Grace Kelley I always forget you can play instruments. Justin I love the moment in the drums you play great you are incredible Forever . Justin, I love all your voice and music.. I love that he can play drums…. Don’t play a sport but I ball when I call on the name of the Lord. Check out Psalms 24 bro. Peace to your Household in Jesus name.. You are the best Bieber, you have an amazing personality.